WWF has always been advocating and promoting sustainable production and consumption, not only gaining enormous experience and solid working foundation at home and abroad in sustainable production, trade, andconsumption of seafood, soybean, palm tree oil, beef, and etc., but also doingpreliminary exploring and promoting to encourage domestic food’s sustainableproduction, reduce food waste, and improve the recirculation and reuse of unused goods. WWF一直在倡导并推进可持续生产和消费。不仅在海产品、大豆、棕榈油、牛肉等领域的可持续生产、贸易和消费方面积累得了丰富的国际和国内经验和工作基础,同时在促进国内食品的可持续生产、减少食物浪费和促进闲置物品再流通和利用等方面进行了初期的摸索和推进。 Tasks任务: The volunteer are expected to support WWF China Markets team in sustainable food and markets work, with detailed tasks include: WWF市场团队拟招募符合条件的志愿者,支持可持续食品和市场项目,具体任务包括: · Translate relevant materials between Chinese and English; · 相关材料的中英文翻译; · Collect basic information, data, and research reports, investigate and summary; · 基础信息、数据和研究报告等收集、调研与汇总; · Provide necessary support during the project implementing period; · 在项目实施初期阶段提供必要的支持。 · participate in assisting plan, organize, and operate relevant activities · 参与协助相关活动的策划,组织和运行 · Assist plan, coordinate, and organize relevant project experts to carry out research projects; · 协助统筹、协调、组织有关项目专家开展课题研究;、 · Provide suggestions and comments for the WWF project framework and participate in the discussion of project development; · 为WWF项目框架等提供建议和意见,参与项目开发讨论 · Other work related to market project team. · 其他同市场项目团队有关的工作内容
日常工作无报酬,提供交通、伙食补助,有一定的项目薪金。 工作地点:WWF世界自然基金会(瑞士)北京代表处 北京市西城区百万庄大街22号院(机械工业信息研究院内)2号楼3层B区域 工作时间3个月及以上,每周3天及以上。可尽快上岗者优先考虑。